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There Are Many Reasons Why Our Clients Benefit From Appointing U-Tech Medical

U-Tech Medical holds ISO 9001 2015 Quality Management Certification.

Becoming quality certified means U-Tech Medical must pass an on-site Annual Certification inspection and audit by an independently registered certifying agency.

Our customers, particularly large corporate customers have a policy that they will only do business with vendors and suppliers that are ISO 9001 certified. This ensures that we meet the international supply and service quality standard that they also follow and gives them confidence that we have the ability to monitor and improve our services as needed.

At U-Tech Medical we always strive to meet our customers’ needs. As a result we have seen the growth of ongoing support and consolidation of long-term customers.

We embrace the concept of quality through continual improvement, and this drives customer satisfaction, which is the ultimate goal of a Quality Management System.

1. Meet Customer Requirements

Why ISO? We believe that if we provide consistence reliable quality service, with strong feedback and continual improvement, this helps to keep customer well satisfied. ISO provides the vehicle to deliver this quality service.

We embrace the concept of quality through continual improvement. We understand that continued customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal of our QMS process.


2. Describe, Understand and Communicate Our Process

Metrics are used to understand and communicate our system’s performance relative to our quality objectives.

We make honest attempts to conform to the requirements of ISO 9001 certification, and learn more about our business performance and make changes and improvements as needed.


3. Improve Company and Service Quality

A quality management system standard is all about quality attitude. By adopting QMS we have improved the level of quality for the entire organisation — every process, and every product. Effectively implementing ISO 9001 Quality Management System has put our company on the Road to Quality.


4.  A Professional Culture and Better Morale

ISO 9001 QMS empowers our employees. Provides clear expectations, objectives, the tools to do their job, and prompt, actionable feedback on their performance process. The result? Improved company culture and a more professional staff!


5. Increase Customer Satisfaction with our Services

Quality means whatever we produce will work as our customers expect. We will meet not only their stated requirements, but we will also meet more of their implied requirements, too.

Quality also means fewer complaints and doing a better job of resolving those that may occur.


6. Improved Consistency of Operations

Consistency, resulting in decreased variation. Reducing the variation in our processes means reliability. Quality also means fewer complaints and doing a better job of resolving those that may occur.


7.  Improve Your Credibility and Image

Because ISO 9001 is an internationally recognised standard, it has become the basis for creating a quality management system around the world. International manufacturers, suppliers, and medical equipment users, always favour service companies that have IS09001 certification over those that do not.


8. Engagement with Employees

Employees involved in the process improvement, work happier as more engaged employees. Who better than the people working on the process to best identify areas that need improvement and help to test and advance improvements?

Our engaged employees are more productive, and they understand quality importance and how you depend on the delivery of a quality service.


9.  Improve Our Client Satisfaction Level

One of the quality management principles that is the foundation of the ISO 9001 requirements is to improve customer satisfaction by planning for and striving to meet customer requirements. As part of IS09001 there is a documented procedure to handle customer complaints/service issues and the implementation of a corrective procedure for non-conformances.


10. Calibrated Test Equipment

It is important to measure and calibrate test equipment used for repair and calibration of medical equipment.

Under IS09001 all test equipment used, must have documented and traceable annual calibration reports. We ensure that this schedule is monitored and actioned when due.


11. Engagement of Quality Employees

Not only are employees selected on their qualifications, and experience, but they must also have a positive customer service attitude. They receive regular document training and are also involved in the improvement of the processes.


12. Better Process Integration

By looking at the overall process approach of ISO 9001, we find improvements in efficiency and cost savings. This is done by eliminating waste that can occur when processes are maintained without a view of the inefficiencies. A better process flow is used to drive efficiencies, eliminate errors, reworks, and improve cost savings.


13. Improve Evidence for Decision Making

By driving our decisions based on the evidence, rather than on “gut feelings,” we can be more focused on applying resources to the areas that will improve efficiencies and increase cost savings with less trial and error to find the right decision. By monitoring the process, you will see improvement based on the data.


14. Create a Continual Improvement Culture

Continual improvement is a quality management principle of ISO 9001.

By adopting this culture to improve our processes and organisational output, we will find efficiencies and cost savings, including the use of systematic processes. By making this continual, improving year after year, you will see continuing benefits. These are just some of the reasons why U-Tech Medical is proud to be the trusted choice of medical equipment manufacturers, distributors, and operators.


U-Tech Medical is ISO 9001:2015 certified, iPRO Smartek and JAS-ANZ certified.

ISO 9001 2015 is the world’s most widely recognised Quality Management System. This means you are employing the world’s best practice methods, policies and procedures, it helps dental practitioners to meet the expectations and needs of their patients

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