Choosing the Right Service Provider
In this age of technology, there is an increasing number of medical electronic devices that require maintenance.
The more items that a single medical service provider can test for you while your technician on site, the easier it becomes to keep your facility in tip top operating condition. Here is a sample list of equipment that you may have in your facility to prompt you. Deal with a professional biomedical service company committed to a culture of continuous improvement.
Accreditation Testing
Performance/Verification & Safety Testing (PVT) of all your medical equipment to Australian Standards AS3551
Service Includes:
On-site testing of all medical equipment in your treatment rooms, doctors’ room, clean room including performance qualification and validations
Scheduled Testing
Performance Safety testing (AS3551) & Preventative Maintenance Services
Scheduled Testing includes the following elements.
- Medical Equipment Inspection & Safety Testing (AS3551, AS4815)
- Medical Equipment Servicing minor repairs and parts replacement
- Medical Equipment Calibration assessment
- Medical Equipment Tagging to Australian Standards
- Medical Equipment Risk Assessment Rating
- Medical Equipment on going Life Expectancy assessment
- Medical Equipment Recall Alert Service
How do you determine the expected life of a medical device?
The device has passed its recommended replacement date
During their life cycle, most medical devices are regularly maintained and inspected, for performance and safety. Even if the device is working properly when tested, a fault may occur when the device has passed its recommended replacement date. This will then cause a continued usability issue, as parts may have become obsolete, or you discover that due to age of the device, the manufacturer may have deemed the device to be non-serviceable and/or non-upgradeable, therefore causing liability challenges.
Wear and Tear
Some devices have moving mechanical parts, that with time and depending on the frequency of use, may show premature signs of wear and tear. Damage that occurs prior to expected replacement date, may also bring forward the replacement date, as the device may become un-reliable, or unsafe to use.
Based on Commercial Decisions
Sometimes, equipment vendors may shorten life expectancy from original statements, based on commercial decisions, such as short supply and cost of materials to manufacturer ongoing parts, or the preferred use of newer technology or more innovative designs. A short-life statement also benefits the vendor by limiting liability for devices that remain in service for a long time.
How can you best determine the replacement date for your device?
Do you use the device up to the last day of the expected life as stated by the manufacturer, stop using it early as a measure of caution, or continue to use it past that date with some level of risk assessment and extra scrutiny?
In conclusion, determining an expected life of new medical devices is not easy.
However, using the manufacturers recommended replacement date as a guide, combined with a live and accurate asset management system, that can provide customised analytical reports, will provide the best means of determining serviceability and life expectancy of a medical device.
Medical Devices We Test, Service & Repair
- Audiometry
- Autoclaves
- Blood Pressure
- Cryotherapy
- Defibrillation
- Doppler Blood Flow
- Ear Syringe
- Electrocardiographs
- Electrosurgery
- Examination lights
- Glucometer
- Holter Recorder
- Infusion Pump
- Lasers
- Nebuliser
- Patient Beds – Tables – Chairs
- Patient Scales
- Plaster Cutter
- Pulse Oximeters
- Refrigeration Blood
- Resuscitation
- Spirometers
- Sterilisation equipment
- Suction Pumps
- Syringe Pump
- Thermometer
- Treadmill
- Ultrasound Imaging
- Vaccination Fridges
- Ventilator
- Vital Signs Monitor
Customised Reports with up to 40 key fields
- Condition
- Company Name
- Region
- Region Sub-Category
- Custom Module ID
- Asset Name
- Manufacturer
- Model No
- Serial Number
- Asset Owner
- Assign Asset
- Bar Code
- Category
- Customer Id
- Date Created
- Inactive
- Last APM Date
- Last APQ Date
- Last APQM Date
- Last PTAT Date
- Last PVT Date
- Last Repair Date
- Last Service Date
- Manufacture Date
- Next Test Due
- In Compliance Flag
- Asset Count Flag
- Oder Code
- On Site Location
- Purchase Date Rating
- Pass or Fail
- Recommendation
- Recommended replacement date
- Replacement Cost estimation
- Status
- Tested By
- Typical Age
- Warranty Expiry Date
- Manufacturers’ Device Life Expectancy
- Condition Report
- Recommended Year to be replaced
- Estimated Replacement Cost Range